Monday, June 1, 2009

Blast Off!


Greetings unit!
Welcome to Optic Blast Studios' Automated B.L.O.G.R.* system!
I am unit o_01. My primary directive is to deliver items of interest to your brain via Earth's internet system. Upon entering this site, please prepare your human minds for emotional responses such as giggling, wonder, excitement, possible LOLing with an occasional LMAO.
If you should display any of the above symptoms, relax... look away for 5 seconds, then cough...
o_01 made a joke.

Please enjoy this next joke as you prepare to finish reading this broadcast.

Is your refrigerator running?

Then wtf you waiting for!? Go get it!


(*Broadcasting Legend of the Outer Galactic Rim)

1 comment:

  1. Needs moar Paedo-bear look. With a side of Chris Hansen.
